What would the be ideal hardware configuration for Master only Node assuming our cluster is made of 3 data nodes with data size of maximum 750 GB in each data node.
Also does 3 data node cluster with each data node on separate machine does it require master node only on each machine
Will having 3 master-node cluster better than 3 master only and 3 data only nodes cluster
It depends, but you should be ok with 4GB of system memory and 3GB of that for the master heap.
No, there's not really much point in that.
Depends, but for a 3 node cluster it may be a bit of a resource waste to have dedicated masters. If you plan on adding many mode nodes in soon though, it makes sense.
Thanks for the reply. How is the RAM size recommendation calculated for Master Node? I mean 3gb of heap?.
Irrespective of data size in data node say my data node holds 50gb memory, does the master node still require 3gb of memory ?
Thanks. So I based on our conversation, can I say in a 3 node only cluster, it would be better design to have 3 master-data nodes than any other design ?
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