What's the @timestamp timezone from elasticsearch via curl query?

hi all,

1.i know Kibana always adjusts the UTC time to the browser's timezone. but is the same as via curl to elasticsearch ?

2.Logstash generates indexes based on @timestamp with UTC time, if I want to get documents from
2015-09-01 to 2015-09-02 with my timezone("Asia/Shanghai"+0800), I need to set range from 2015.08.31T16:00:00.000Z
to 2015.09.02T16:00:00.000Z for elasticsearch via curl send the range query,Correct?

3.the return timestamp is UTC time ?

ES stores things in UTC, curl has no concept of a timezone.

if I want to get documents from
2015-09-01 to 2015-09-02 with my timezone("Asia/Shanghai"+0800), I need to set range from 2015.08.31T16:00:00.000Z
to 2015.09.02T16:00:00.000Z for elasticsearch, correct ?

if I want to get documents from
2015-09-01 to 2015-09-02 with my timezone("Asia/Shanghai"+0800), I need to set range from 2015.08.31T16:00:00.000Z
to 2015.09.02T16:00:00.000Z for elasticsearch, correct ?


3.the return timestamp is UTC time ?

Yes, unless you ask for something else (I don't remember if that's possible). It might also be possible to indicate the timezone of the timestamp you supply in the query. Check the docs.

ES only works with UTC, it's up to the client to convert.