Why elasticsearch convert all my field name to lower case?


i create the following index :

PUT testindex 
  "mappings": {
    "datai": { 
      "properties": { 
        "firsName": { "type": "text"  }, 
	    "lastName":       { "type": "text"  },
        "phoneNumber":       { "type": "text"  }			

and i want the "N" letter in upper case , but when i got my data from a DB using logstash , elasticsearch convert all my field name to lower case , is this normal ?

this the result when i try to get data :

	"_index": "testindex",
	"_type": "datai",
	"_id": "12",
	"_version": 1,
	"found": true,
		"_source": {
		"firstname": "my firstname",
		"lastname": "my lastname",
		"phonenumber": "0989888",
		"@version": "1",
		"@timestamp": "2018-06-05T10:41:18.098Z"

ther is any tips to force elasticsearch to respect my fileds name ?

this my sql query executed by logstash (i'm using oracle DB:

select firstname "firsName", lastname "lastName", phonenumber "phoneNumber" from my table

Elasticsearch never alters the _source field. Which means that Logstash basically sent something like:

	"firstname": "my firstname",
	"lastname": "my lastname",
	"phonenumber": "0989888",
	"@version": "1",
	"@timestamp": "2018-06-05T10:41:18.098Z"

Probably something to solve on Logstash side.

thank you for your response , do you have any idea on how to resolve this on Logstash Side ?

No. I don't know what you did.

I solve the problem by renaming my fileds in logstash filter

filter {
  mutate {
	rename => {
				  "firstname" => "firsName"
				  "lastname" => "lastName"
				  "phonenumber" => "phoneNumber"

good luck

But can you share your input part of the logstash configuration?
The problem you described might indicate a bug.

i follow this tutorial : https://www.elastic.co/blog/logstash-jdbc-input-plugin

But I don't see UpperCase / LowerCase SELECT clauses in logstash configurations there.

So again, please share your Logstash configuration.

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