Why I'm getting Invalid NEST Error

Below is the error that I'm getting when trying to index,

Invalid NEST response built from a unsuccessful low level call on POST: /bunzlecom07252019-2e68bd75-d741-474e-905f-121fb23a8847/product/_bulk

Invalid Bulk items:

Audit trail of this API call:

  • [1] BadResponse: Node: http://localhost:9201/ Took: 00:01:00.2784070
  • [2] MaxTimeoutReached: Took: -737286.15:12:36.2232318

OriginalException: System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: The request was canceled.

at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory1.FromAsyncCoreLogic(IAsyncResult iar, Func2 endFunction, Action1 endAction, Task1 promise, Boolean requiresSynchronization)
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable1.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.GetResult() at Elasticsearch.Net.HttpConnection.<RequestAsync>d__141.MoveNext()


<Request stream not captured or already read to completion by serializer. Set DisableDirectStreaming() on ConnectionSettings to force it to be set on the response.>


<Response stream not captured or already read to completion by serializer. Set DisableDirectStreaming() on ConnectionSettings to force it to be set on the response.>

Can you share some more details?

  1. Which version of NEST are you using?
  2. Which version of Elasticsearch are you targeting?
  3. Which framework are your running on e.g. .NET 4.6.1, .NET Core 2.2, etc.?
  4. Can you show a succinct example of what you're doing with the client, that results in the above?

From the audit information provided so far, there was a failure in the _bulk API call, and the request ended up timing out. But we'll need to see more details to understand what went on. You can also call .DisableDirectStreaming() on the client API call to capture the request and response bytes, which may provide further details.

I believe I figured out the issue as to why I'm getting that error. It is because I'm sending too much data to elastic.

I do have another question. I enabled logging for indexing slow log but it looks like the logging is getting cut off. The elastic search version that I'm using is 5.6.4. Is there a setting that I can change so that I can see the whole log information. Below is an example,

[2019-08-16T16:55:23,366][TRACE][index.indexing.slowlog.index] [j--OCYU] [bunzlecom07252019-e6d38da0-9b0f-42b9-a310-762839316325/-8ZwR1anQJm2UML1Tpg9Bw] took[439.2ms], took_millis[439], type[product], id[00545185-5404-4c66-84c2-104866cc0209fr-CA], routing[] , source[{"branchProductName":["16aded5a-003f-41a7-82e1-aa24013d343b30fpor-26813w 26x18x3 full sheet auto/ window top 50/cs use 38470537 or 38470180"],"customerGroupProductNumber":["15bb951b-2c61-4213-80ab-1f3fef4f43aecb38470263"],"customerGroupProductName":[],"customerGroupProductDescription":[],"customerGroupProductUnspsc":["15bb951b-2c61-4213-80ab-1f3fef4f43aecb"],"customerGroupProductSequence":{},"customerGroupCategorySequence":{"NA":1,"15BB951B-2C61-4213-80AB-1F3FEF4F43AE":19638820},"customerGroupProductNumberSort":{"15BB951B-2C61-4213-80AB-1F3FEF4F43AECB":"38470263"},"basicListPrice":0.0,"basicSalePrice":0.0,"boost":1.0,"categories":["34069167-a603-4c2a-ab79-0654681ff011316e3d57-9c2b-47c2-8856-aa4f011d0014View All Products","0aed26da-cb87-4630-8d09-07105bfc250c316e3d57-9c2b-47c2-8856-aa4f011d0014Bakery Boxes ","4deb5bae-e62b-4d4e-b6eb-17c74e9aea9a60c1b2b4-3e40-48ce-95e8-aa4f01226502Bakery Boxes ","cca2eb6d-e0d0-46f4-a615-1f3f8318e41d316e3d57-9c2b-47c2-8856-aa4f011d0014Bakery Boxes]

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