Widen date filter on embedded dashboard

I have several visualizations as an embedded dashboard. When a user clicks on part of the dashboard it adds a filter to the bar at the top and they can remove it. However if they select a date range on the record frequency graph they are unable to undo it. Only way I have found of solving the problem is to refresh the page, which isn't ideal. Is there a way to widen this date selection?

The date filter is editable, so you can always choose a new date range. Alternatively you might be able to use the Back button in the browser.

They can edit it by making it narrower (by clicking on the graph) but it doesn't show on the bar at the top of the embedded page like other filters. Unfortunately back button won't work as the page is embedded :frowning:

Did you change the configuration of the embeddable to remove the time filter?

We specify an initial time range in the embeddable URL g=(filters:!(),refreshInterval:(pause:!t,value:0),time:(from:'2020-05-01T00:00:00',mode:absolute,to:'now')). Seems like when the click on the graph to narrow it changes the URL, leaving them now way of going back (at least when its embedded).

Maybe I wasn't clear: you can change the configuration of the dashboard to include the time filter. Have you tried that?

Running 6.8.4 and don't have the options, just snapshot vs saved object and short url.

Okay, then I think your only options are to upgrade or to provide external controls that will change the URL on behalf of users.

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