Windows ETW logs (DNSServer Analytics logs) not getting ingested

I am trying to ingest DNSServer Analytics logs to my ELK stack (V-8.14) but the logs are not getting ingested, below is the configurations i added in my elastic-agent.yml file:

Trial 1:

   - type: etw
     id: etw-dnsserver
     enabled: true Microsoft-Windows-DNSServer
     session_name: DNSServer-Analytical
     trace_level: verbose
     match_any_keyword: 0x8000000000000000
     match_all_keyword: 0  

Trial 2: using the path of the file,

   - type: etw
     enabled: true
     id: etw-dnsserver-session
     file: "C:\WINDOWS\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Windows-DNSServer%4Analytical.etl"  

I got this configurations from elastic documentation : ETW input | Filebeat Reference [8.15] | Elastic

i also directly tried with filebeat using the path but the data comes in a encoded format which was not readable.

Elastic stack version : 18.4
Elastic agent version: 18.4

Isn't this the integration you need Microsoft DNS Server | Documentation