Winlogbeat, metricbeat not work on winodws xp

i need mornitoring system for many server.

so, i 'm setting winlogbeat and metricbeat (7.6.0 v...)

two beat works well on win7 but not work on xp .....

I need help.

alert error message winodws 1053 error and ".\winlogbeat.exe -e or .\metricbeat.exe -e" not work and not message

The answer is quite easy.
Winlogbeat is based on GoLang.

In the actual version of Winlogbeat is Windows XP not covered any more in all versions 7.x used.
Last version that supported Windows XP was Golang version 1.10:
Which corresponds to versions 6.x at least.
Depending on the standard configuration the last winlogbeat version that I am aware of is version 6.4.2.
I was able to start this one up, depending how actual your Windows updates are on Windows XP you still may be able to start as well up to version Winlogbeat 6.8.10.

But even with that it's not supposed to be supported. See support matrix

thanks ! good answer ! T.T

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