Would like to search text and try to identify strings that could be a persons name

Example I have text like the following:
Jeremy went to the ice cream shop with David and they met Sharee there.

of the above Jeremy, David and Sharee are names. Is there a query I might be able to run that can identify peoples names. Any possible string that could be a persons name. I do understand that any word can be a persons name, but wondering if there is anything available that might identify words that would likely be a persons name.

Welcome, @warrengoldman.

Thanks for reaching out. You may want to check out this similar topic. I also found this StackOverflow post on a similar topic that may be helpful too.

Yeah, guess I wasn't clear enough. I don't want to search for names. I want to search the text and have it return strings that are possible names.
I would NOT provide any criteria when searching (like Jeremy or such), but want to try and determine which words in a string are/might be names. (the examples listed were ways of searching for a name, which is not what I need)

Thanks for the feedback and further clarification @warrengoldman. Sorry for any confusion. Named entity recognition may be helpful here. You may also want to look at our documention on text analysis.

I hope this helps but if not, do you happen to have a code sample you are working with? Are you getting an particluar errors?



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