Wrong output

Hi everyone,
I recently started using the elastic stack for the first time and I cant seem to find a way to get the desired output.
I'm trying to use this data:
admintool[899] browser=Mozilla%2F5.0 %28Windows NT 10.0;user=dmohamad
With this grok pattern:
The output is:
"ag": {
"config": {
"service": "2F5"
The way I would like it to be is:
"ag": {
"config": {
"service": "admintool"
"id": "899"
"user": "dmohamad"

Thanks In advance.

hi @David_Mohamad ,
try use this :

%{WORD:ag.config.service}\[%{INT:ag.config.id}\] browser=%{DATA:ag.config.browser};user=%{WORD:ag.config.user}

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Thanks a lot. It works now.

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