X-pack: gradle task for building custom realm

Hi team,

I am following the steps mentioned in x-pack custom realm plugin example that is provided here.

i have some issues with junits, but i have disbaled junits for now, just commented out the tests methods.
when i am building this gradle project i am getting some file built in distribution directory, but i was expecting a zip file that i can use with install step.

Can you please provide me steps to generate the zip file required for plugin install step.


if you clone that repository and run gradle clean check, you will end up with a zip file in the build/distributions directory.

Can you paste your gradle run into a gist and also show which files end up in the distributions directory?


i got that working now. But is there a way to add jar dependencies in there. I was able to complie and build the project, but not sure where i need to place my jar files. When placed in root folder, its getting droped.

I have some properties to read to can you suggest me a good place to place my properties that will be needed during runtime.


just add your dependencies like in any gradle project and they are packaged.


Just for the record, i had to update buildZip task to include dependencies into zip distribution.

Preformatted texttask buildZip(type:Zip, dependsOn: [jar]) {
from configurations.runtime - configurations.provided
}Preformatted text

Note: had to remove provided dependecies

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