X-Pack monitoring support multi-instances of LogStash in one node?

I checked some source code of X-Pack. It seems like X-Pack of LogStash uses the "id" as the identification.
Will it occur data overwrite when multi instances are running on the same node?

# curl localhost:9601/?pretty
  "host" : "stgelkredis01",
  "version" : "5.2.0",
  "http_address" : "",
  "id" : "3a6a2243-a356-4d0f-a9af-f783bf88e0b8",
  "name" : "stgelkredis01",
  "build_date" : "2017-01-24T20:13:39+00:00",
  "build_sha" : "3159d88e5168023353de938ef6fa2aad0763d05f",
  "build_snapshot" : false
# curl localhost:9602/?pretty
  "host" : "stgelkredis01",
  "version" : "5.2.0",
  "http_address" : "",
  "id" : "3a6a2243-a356-4d0f-a9af-f783bf88e0b8",
  "name" : "stgelkredis01",
  "build_date" : "2017-01-24T20:13:39+00:00",
  "build_sha" : "3159d88e5168023353de938ef6fa2aad0763d05f",
  "build_snapshot" : false

@dreampuf are you running these Logstash instances using the same path.data location? Each Logstash instance starts with a UUID which gets persisted to path.data/uuid file. If you use the same path.data location, Logstash will pick up that same ID and use it. In 5.4.0, we will stop LS instance from starting if some other LS instance has already used the path.data dir. See https://github.com/elastic/logstash/issues/6730

Until then, please make sure you have different path.data directories.

Thank you @suyograo ! That's what I want.

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