X-Pack monitoring shows one of all of the configured Logstash nodes

When you configure X-Pack to monitor multiple Logstash instances make sure each instance has a unique uuid.
We copied AMIs in AWS to create multiple Logstash instances and all of the instances had the same uuid which confused the X-Pack monitoring server.

Change the uuid of a Logstash server:

  1. $ sudo -i
  2. # uuidgen > /var/lib/logstash/uuid
  3. # tr -d "\n\r" < /var/lib/logstash/uuid > tempo ; mv tempo /var/lib/logstash/uuid
  4. # service logstash restart


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This is a nice trick. One alternative would be to remove the uuid file before creating the AMI. That way each Logstash instance will automatically create the file with a unique UUID upon start up.

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