X-Pack Security is not avaible on ES 6.6.1 basic

I've got elasticsearch-6.6.1 with basic license, installed on one node.
I try to configure security, but when i try setup passwords i get an error :

C:\ProgramData\Elastic661\elasticsearch-6.6.1\bin>elasticsearch-setup-passwords.bat auto

Unexpected response code [403] from calling GET http://10.0.xx.xx:9200/_xpack/security/_authenticate?pretty
It doesn't look like the X-Pack security feature is available on this Elasticsearch node.
Please check if you have installed a license that allows access to X-Pack Security feature.

ERROR: X-Pack Security is not available.

I've tried to install x-pack manually, but then :

C:\ProgramData\Elastic661\elasticsearch-6.6.1\bin>elasticsearch-plugin install x-pack
ERROR: this distribution of Elasticsearch contains X-Pack by default

Can anyone help me with this ?


Security is not available on the basic license in 6.6

You need 6.8 or > 7.1 . Read https://www.elastic.co/blog/security-for-elasticsearch-is-now-free for more information.

Thanks for quick answer.

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