"yarn build" - haven't created `zip` archive in kibana/plugins/my_plugin_name/build/ folder

Hi Everyone,

I followed below documentation to build custom plugin,

Build plugin distributable :

yarn build

but It has't created the zip archive in kibana/plugins/my_plugin_name/build/ folder.

Last few execution ouput lines :

 info [  kibana  ] Checking for files dated before 1980
   │ succ ✓ 1 sec

 info [  kibana  ] Checking Windows for paths > 300 characters
   │ succ ✓ 1 sec

 info [  kibana  ] Verify that no UUID file is baked into the build
   │ succ ✓ 0 sec

 info [  global  ] Writing sha1sums of archives and packages in target directory
   │ succ ✓ 0 sec

✨  Done in 845.23s.
Sunils-MacBook-Pro:work_register sunil$

Instead I can see some files created at location : /Users/sunil/Documents/workspace/kibana/src/dev/build

looking for steps to install this plugin on original Kibana 8.5 tool.

Hi All, It will be great help if someone provide exact steps to build plugin with zip archive as output & steps to install the same on original Kibana tool.