Yellow cluster....why?

6.0.0 for all: kibana, logstash, elastic.

All is working...only the warning....:frowning:

"Last checked December 29, 2017" might be the culprit.
At that time, the shards might not all have been allocated, but today they are. I'm not sure, though, why the check hasn't occurred since then.

last obvious question:
can i force the check??

It should be doing those checks. If you open the developer window of your browser and go to the Network tab, you should see XHR queries going out to /api/monitoring/v1/clusters/<cluster-id>

If you look at the response tab, what do you see?

After the license update, message disappeared!!!:slight_smile:

Thank you for your support!!

# - monitoring
#  - The agent will stop collecting cluster and indices metrics

Doh, yes indeed!

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