7.4 Embedded Kibana in Iframe Login Page Keeps Reloading and Redirecting to Same Page

Possible same issue: Cookies issue while embedding kibana dashboard with iFrame

On an embedded, iframed Kibana, the user cannot login on Safari nor Chrome. Opening up the fullscreen dashboard in a separate tab, where Kibana is not iframed, allows the user to login on first try.

Browsers Affected: Chrome (latest), Safari 13
ELK version: 7.4 

Are there any workarounds that don't include upgrading to 7.8.1 (where feature is fixed)?
Thank you in advance for any information you can provide.

Benjamin Chen

Hello @Ben_Chen

Are there any workarounds that don't include upgrading to 7.8.1 (where feature is fixed)?

You could also run older browser versions.

That said, you should really upgrade to 7.8.1 or newer. The incompatibilities are purposeful as older version of browser and kibana are no longer considered secure.


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