99th Percentile of index rate


I have an Elastic 8.8.1 cluster up and running, and being monitored via Metricbeat feeding into stack monitoring, and I can see a chart of index rate.

I'd like to visualise the 99th percentile index rate across a data stream. Has anyone done this previously and, if so, how would I go about it, please?



  • Go to Kibana -> Management -> Index Patterns and set up an index pattern that matches the data stream's indices.

  • Now, go to Kibana -> Visualize -> Create Visualization and select the visualization type that best fits your use case. In this scenario, we'll use the "Line" chart

  • select data: For the X-axis, choose a suitable time-based field that represents the timestamp of your data, like "@timestamp" or any other field with timestamp information

  • metrics aggregation: For the Y-axis, choose the "Percentiles" aggregation from the list. In the "Field" dropdown, select the field that represents the index rate (e.g., number of documents indexed per second).

  • Configure Percentile Aggregation: After selecting the "Percentiles" aggregation, you will see a "Percentile Ranks" input box. Enter 99 here to calculate the 99th percentile index rate.

  • apply filter and save visualization

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