Add a column based on a Bucket Script Aggregation or other columns into a Data Table visualization

I am building a Data Table in which I could get two required columns but I need to add one additional column which is the difference between these two. Is that somehow possible?
I could get the desired results using a Bucket Script Aggregation, but how can I use this in the Data Table?

Please consider the following mock-up case for a better explanation. The case is for performance metrics recorded for different machine learning models per customer. We need to show a summary table of the average performance of each model on each measured performance metric on a customer basis.

  • The index mapping template:
PUT _template/metrics-template
  "index_patterns": [
  "settings": {
    "analysis": {
      "analyzer": {
        "path-analyzer": {
          "tokenizer": "path_hierarchy"
  "mappings": {
    "dynamic": false,
    "properties": {
      "path": {
        "type": "text",
        "analyzer": "path-analyzer",
        "search_analyzer": "keyword",
        "fields": {
          "raw": {
            "type": "keyword"
      "time": {
        "type": "date"
      "labels": {
        "type": "object",
        "dynamic": true
      "value": {
        "type": "double"
    "dynamic_templates": [
        "labels_as_keywords": {
          "path_match": "labels.*",
          "mapping": {
            "type": "keyword"
  • The data:
POST _bulk
{"index": {"_index": "metrics-01"}}
{"path": "models/performance/mse", "time": "2020-04-20T08:00:00.00000Z", "value": 1, "labels": {"customer_id": "1", "model_name": "rf"}}
{"index": {"_index": "metrics-01"}}
{"path": "models/performance/r2", "time": "2020-04-20T08:00:00.00000Z", "value": 0.5, "labels": {"customer_id": "1", "model_name": "rf"}}
{"index": {"_index": "metrics-01"}}
{"path": "models/performance/mse", "time": "2020-04-20T08:00:00.00000Z", "value": 2, "labels": {"customer_id": "1", "model_name": "nn"}}
{"index": {"_index": "metrics-01"}}
{"path": "models/performance/r2", "time": "2020-04-20T08:00:00.00000Z", "value": 0.2, "labels": {"customer_id": "1", "model_name": "nn"}}
{"index": {"_index": "metrics-01"}}
{"path": "models/performance/mse", "time": "2020-04-21T08:00:00.00000Z", "value": 1.2, "labels": {"customer_id": "1", "model_name": "rf"}}
{"index": {"_index": "metrics-01"}}
{"path": "models/performance/r2", "time": "2020-04-21T08:00:00.00000Z", "value": 0.5, "labels": {"customer_id": "1", "model_name": "rf"}}
{"index": {"_index": "metrics-01"}}
{"path": "models/performance/mse", "time": "2020-04-21T08:00:00.00000Z", "value": 2.4, "labels": {"customer_id": "1", "model_name": "nn"}}
{"index": {"_index": "metrics-01"}}
{"path": "models/performance/r2", "time": "2020-04-21T08:00:00.00000Z", "value": 0.2, "labels": {"customer_id": "1", "model_name": "nn"}}
{"index": {"_index": "metrics-01"}}
{"path": "models/performance/mse", "time": "2020-04-20T08:00:00.00000Z", "value": 10, "labels": {"customer_id": "2", "model_name": "rf"}}
{"index": {"_index": "metrics-01"}}
{"path": "models/performance/r2", "time": "2020-04-20T08:00:00.00000Z", "value": 0.8, "labels": {"customer_id": "2", "model_name": "rf"}}
{"index": {"_index": "metrics-01"}}
{"path": "models/performance/mse", "time": "2020-04-20T08:00:00.00000Z", "value": 20, "labels": {"customer_id": "2", "model_name": "nn"}}
{"index": {"_index": "metrics-01"}}
{"path": "models/performance/r2", "time": "2020-04-20T08:00:00.00000Z", "value": -1, "labels": {"customer_id": "2", "model_name": "nn"}}
{"index": {"_index": "metrics-01"}}
{"path": "models/performance/mse", "time": "2020-04-21T08:00:00.00000Z", "value": 12, "labels": {"customer_id": "2", "model_name": "rf"}}
{"index": {"_index": "metrics-01"}}
{"path": "models/performance/r2", "time": "2020-04-21T08:00:00.00000Z", "value": 0.3, "labels": {"customer_id": "2", "model_name": "rf"}}
{"index": {"_index": "metrics-01"}}
{"path": "models/performance/mse", "time": "2020-04-21T08:00:00.00000Z", "value": 24, "labels": {"customer_id": "2", "model_name": "nn"}}
{"index": {"_index": "metrics-01"}}
{"path": "models/performance/r2", "time": "2020-04-21T08:00:00.00000Z", "value": -1, "labels": {"customer_id": "2", "model_name": "nn"}}
  • The Data Table (what I could achieve)

  • What is missing is an additional column showing the difference (division or subtraction) between the Avg MSE (Yesterday) column the Avg MSE column.
  • I could get this information using a Bucket Script Aggregation ran using the Dev Tools, is there anyway to get these results (run a similar query) into the Data Table?
GET metrics-01/_search
  "query": {
    "match_all": {}
  "size": 0,
  "aggs": {
    "customers": {
      "terms": {
        "field": "labels.customer_id",
        "order": {
          "_key": "asc"
        "size": 500
      "aggs": {
        "models": {
          "terms": {
            "field": "labels.model_name",
            "order": {
              "_key": "asc"
            "size": 10
          "aggs": {
            "avg_mse_all": {
              "filter": {
                "query_string": {
                  "analyze_wildcard": true,
                  "query": """ path.raw: "models/performance/mse" """
              "aggs": {
                "avg_mse": {
                  "avg": {
                    "field": "value"
            "avg_mse_yesterday": {
              "filter": {
                "query_string": {
                  "analyze_wildcard": true,
                  "query": """ path.raw: "models/performance/mse" AND time: [now-1d/d TO now/d] """
              "aggs": {
                "avg_mse": {
                  "avg": {
                    "field": "value"
            "avg_mse_difference": {
              "bucket_script": {
                "buckets_path": {
                  "avg_mse_all_value": "avg_mse_all>avg_mse",
                  "avg_mse_yesterday_value": "avg_mse_yesterday>avg_mse"
                "script": "params.avg_mse_yesterday_value - params.avg_mse_all_value"

I know that some plugins might provide a solution, but I never used any and I am not sure which one is the best option and what are the disadvantages of using kibana plugins.

Any help or direction is appreciated.
Thank you!

Bucket script is not supported for the table, although this is a frequent request.

Thank you @wylie for your reply. I am looking forward to having that feature released. I found this plugin offering the concept of a Computed Column which is quite handy in such cases of course combined with the feature of hiding columns (which might be the source of the computation). It would be nice if you offer such solutions directly integrated in kibana visualizations.

Another possibility might be to use Transforms. Transforms can leverage arbitrary aggregations, including bucket_script aggregations and it writes the results to a new index. You would then use this new index for your data table.

I noticed however, that you use filter aggregations. This is only supported in Transforms in v7.7+

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