I'm trying to create some simple Data Table visualizations in Kibana 7.4.2, essentially mimicking the results of a Saved Search in Discover, with of course the added ability to download a CSV export.
Assume my index is a collection of documents describing Books.
After Splitting Rows with a Terms Aggregation on the "bookId" field, I want to add the "title" as a column.
Is it better to do this as a sub-bucket, further splitting rows with a Term Aggregation on the "title" field (as described here - https://subscription.packtpub.com/book/big_data_and_business_intelligence/9781788831031/4/ch04lvl1sec26/data-tables), or as a Metric, with a Top Hit Aggregation on the "title" field (as described here - Adding Columns in Data Table)?
Are there any advantages - performance or otherwise - to one approach over the other?
What if my index potentially has duplicate documents for each book (due to denormalization), but I'm still certain that each copy has the same "title"?