Add caracter in logstash custom patterns

Hi comunity,

I want to add a caracter when i'm processing data with logstash, for example, add a space or : or -.

I mean, i have the next log

grok custom pattern: FECHACORTA ((?>\d\d){1,2}[./-]%{MONTHNUM}[/-]%{MONTHDAY})(?!<[0-9])%{HOUR:hora}%{MINUTE:minuto}(?:%{SECOND:segundos}):?%{INT:ms}

My idea, is to be able to convert from this 2021-07-29122715960 to 2021-07-29 12:27:15:960.

This happen because my log give to me that bad format.


If the end goal is to put into Elastic as a date then you can just use the Date Filter. This will convert it to UTC or Zulu timezone.

Test Conf

input { generator { lines => ['{ "old_timestamp": "2021-07-29122715960" }'] count => 1 codec => "json" } }
filter {
 date {
  match => [ "old_timestamp", "yyyy-MM-ddHHmmssSSS" ]
  target => "new_timestamp"
output { stdout { codec => json_lines } }


    "new_timestamp": "2021-07-29T16:27:15.960Z",
    "old_timestamp": "2021-07-29122715960"

You totally right, works perfect.


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