I am developing a custom plugin in Kibana using React, in Kibana 8.8.1.
I am using search (low-level) of data plugin to query Elasticsearch.
This is the request body:
const request = {
id: searchId,
trackTotalHits: true,
params: {
index: indexPattern,
body: {
size: 0,
aggs: data.search.aggs.createAggConfigs(dataView, aggregations).toDsl()
where aggregations is aggs in JSON format.
Eg: when I give 2 cardinality aggreagtions,
const aggregations = [
id: 'students_count',
type: 'cardinality',
params: { field: 'student.id' },
id: 'teachers_count',
type: 'cardinality',
params: { field: 'teacher.id' },
For the above, ES treats it as sibling aggregation and I get the output as
aggs: {
"students_count": { ... },
"teachers_count": { ... }
But when I give a terms and cardinality aggregation together, it gets treated as nested aggregation.
const aggregations = [
id: 'students_count',
type: 'cardinality',
params: { field: 'student.id' },
id: 'students_gender',
type: 'terms',
params: { field: 'student.gender' },
For the above, ES treats it as sibling aggregation and I get the output as
aggs: {
"students_gender": {
"terms": {...},
"aggs": {
"students_count": { ... }
Why does that happen? I haven't done any other change .
How can I add in nested and siling aggregation together?