Adding description to url field

Hey, I would like to add a description to url field to show it tooltip, for example:
I Have a WebsiteDescription field (Google)
and Website field (which is URL in dataview)
appreciate for help

Take a look at the options in the Data Views UI to format a URL, the maps application will honor the field formatter.

For example, take the DestWVeather field in the Kibana Flights sample dataset and create a URL that searches for the value in the duckduckgo search website. Using the {{value}} placeholder in both URL and Label:

Then in the Maps app, add the DestWeather field as a tooltip and check the field formatter is honored.

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Hi, Thanks for the info. it was very helpful.
Other question but in the same object.
I have field with image base64 DestinationCountryFlag (tiny logo of the country flag) , and other field with DestinationCountryName.
I would like to see it in the tool tip as the name of the country and the logo of the country flag next to it. For example
United States Of America image

Tooltips don't allow that level of customization, I'm afraid.

On the other hand I don't think embedding images in field formatters is allowed in Kibana. You can only render images from URL as in the following example

Create a new field in the Flights dataset with a custom label, emiting the DestCountry field and using the URL formatter with the Image variant

And the map

It is not a workaround but if instead of an encoded image you had an emoji flag, then you would be able to put name and flag together with a runtime field that concatenates them.

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Thanks for the help. appreciate it