Aggregation for Kibana Visuals

Currently running into this issue when trying to create a boxplot. Thinking this is an aggregation problem but I don't know how to fix this.

Thanks for reaching out, @pixelberry. Thanks for sending over that image.

I do have a few follow up questions here:

  • What version of Elastic are you using?
  • What errors are you getting?
  • Are you using vega?

In the meantime this related post might be helpful here.

Hello @jessgarson Thank you so much for your prompt reply!

Version: Kibana - v.7.16.3 & Elastic - 7.16.3 according to DevTools Console

Errors (in screenshot):
y-scale's "zero" is dropped as it does not work with band scale (x5)
Infinite extent for field : [Infinity, -Infinity] (x2)

Vega: Yes we are using Vega-lite

Thanks, @pixelberry.

Have you tried using Vega debug? When you query the index, you'll receive a comprehensive search response rather than a simple array. You can extract the necessary data from this response for further use. To understand the structure of the data retrieved from Elasticsearch, you can utilize the "Inspect" option and view the "vega debug" within it.