Alerting In Elastic APM

Wanted to know if alerting is available in Elastic APM for RUM.
Wanted to report any anomaly in metrics like error rate.

If yes from which version is it available and is it free of cost or we need to purchase some licensed version ?

It would be great if anyone can pin relevant docs for the same.


Hi @Aman_Tyagi Welcome to the community

Let's see if I can help.

1st I would review the subscriptions page for feature/subscription level

  • RUM is supported with Basic / Free

  • APM is supported with Basic / Free

  • Threshold-based alerts are also Free / Basic but with limited connectors (log, index only)

  • Threshold-based alerts with connectors to Email, Slack, Teams etc..etcc. require a subscription

  • Times Series Anomaly Detection / Alerts (Machine Learning) requires a subscription. This allows elastic to learn what is normal and detect abnormal conditions / events and hen drive alerting.

  • Version: If you are starting now, you should start with a newer release in the 8.x series each release adds significant capabilities, APM and alerts and anomaly detection have many historical releases, I would not go back any further than 7.17.x

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