All of my agents stayed inactive

I have 65 agents and today all these are inactive, I don't did any changes to the cluster to affect these agents.

There's a way to recover these agents, my fleet server API are respond healthy

curl -f https://localhost:8220/api/status -k

Some can help me ?


Per default the agents will be marked as inactive is they cannot perform a health check with the fleet server for more than 1209600 seconds, which is something around 14 days.

So, were you agents offline before that?

Can you run these requests in Kibana Dev Tools and share the response:

GET kbn:/api/fleet/agent_status


GET kbn:/api/fleet/agents?page=1&perPage=10&showInactive=true
  "results": {
    "online": 4,
    "error": 0,
    "inactive": 84,
    "offline": 1,
    "updating": 0,
    "unenrolled": 9,
    "other": 0,
    "events": 0,
    "total": 5,
    "all": 98,
    "active": 5

Of these 5, 4 are fleet server and the other one are offline, the reason i didnt found yet

Please share the response of the other endpoint as asked, it will show information about some agents.

Hi @leandrojmp sorry to forgot.

But i found the error, ahead of fleet servers, i have an LB, and some acl on this alb was causing this issue.
I fix this and now all agents are online again

thks for you help