Am I the only one who hates the Kibana 7 UX changes (date picker, filters)?
In Kibana 6 the next field automatically focused, which made entering filters really quick - I could even press ENTER to confirm the filter type:
In Kibana 7 I need to explicitly click all the time:
Date pickers
This is where it gets REALLY bad in my opinion
Filtering a specific (absolute) date:
Now if I want to do the same in Kibana 7...
This is just terrible. MANY more clicks, and even typing manually to get to the end of the date. Tae alternative (00:00:00 the next date) is slightly less awful, but still much more convoluted due to having to explicitly select at time.
Honestly, how often do people even want to select a different date but keep the time?
And having separate widgets for start/end date/time makes everything slower because now instead of having a single widget where you do everything, you need to open the start date widget, select the date/time, then open the end date widget, and the same there, plus fixing the time...
Quick select
Kibana 6 had many convenient options there; in 7 there's just a few, and then there's "recently used date range" which could be useful if it included only the relative/quick options, but getting all the absolute ranges in here as well? Not particularly useful!