Amazon SES 535 Authentication Credentials Invalid

I've created my watcher with the following watch config:

"trigger": {
    "schedule": {
        "interval": "10s"
"input": {
    "simple": {
        "color": "red",
        "status": "error",
        "count": 3
"condition": {
    "compare": {
        "ctx.payload.status": {
            "eq": "error"
"actions": {
    "ses_account": {
        "throttle_period": "15m",
        "email": {
            "to": "",
            "subject": "State {{ctx.payload.status}}",
            "body": "The color is now {{ ctx.payload.color }}"


My elasticsearch.yml config looks like:
      auth: true
      starttls.enable: true
      starttls.required: true
      port: 587

When I try running the watch with /_watcher/watch/cluster_health_email/_execute, I get the following response:

"actions": [
      "id": "ses_account",
      "type": "email",
      "status": "failure",
      "reason": "MessagingException[failed to send email with subject [State error] via account [ses_account]]; nested: AuthenticationFailedException[535 Authentication Credentials Invalid]; "

Troubleshooting steps I've taken so far

  • Checking policy attached to credentials
  • Checking credentials in elasticsearch.yml
  • restarting elasticsearch on all aws instances

What other steps should I be taking to get this configured properly? I am not sure how to further troubleshoot if my credentials were invalid when initially generated.


have you tried sending an email manually from the host where watcher is running on, to see if this works? Can you show that this works?



I tried sending email manually via Amazon's documentation. It failed multiple times, but after generating my fourth pair of credentials I was able to successfully authenticate. I think this had something to do with the URL encoding of the previously generated credentials. I now receive this error message when executing the watch

MessagingException[failed to send email with subject [State error] via account [ses_account]]; nested: MessagingException[can't determine local email address];

Update: I finally got it working after adding the "from" field in the "actions" in my watch. My JSON looks like this:

    "actions": {
    "ses_account": {
        "throttle_period": "15m",
        "email": {
            "from": "",
            "to": "",
            "subject": "State {{ctx.payload.status}}",
            "body": "The color is now {{ ctx.payload.color }}"

It should also be noted that this needs to be a verified email address with Amazon SES. It might be worth it to add these details to the doc for sending email with ses: