Does AWS SES API work with watcher?

Dear Team,

I am a big fan of elk and your support team, but I have AWS SES email service so that is possible to configure email notification service via only AWS SES, please reply ASAP.

please be aware that this forum does not come with any SLA, ASAP incuded in that list :slight_smile:

You can check the alerting documentation on how to configure SES with alerting. See

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Dear [Alexander Reelsen]

Thanks for the reply, I am already using SMTP to get a notification but I want to use aws ses API using key's, I don't want to use SMTP details, Please suggest me, how to configure AWS SES API to get notification using Watcher.

I do not understand what you mean with using keys. Can you clarify? Directly using the API is not supported if you are referring to that. Can you clarify why using SMTP is not an option?

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Alexander Reelsen

I have configured AWS SES SMTP configuration in elasticsearch/yml and i saved
auth: true
starttls.enable: true
starttls.required: true
port: 587
user: Access Key ID
password: Secret access key

I saved user namer "Access Key ID" and in Password, I saved "Secret access key"

It is now working, please help me and other things I have another way to generate SMTP Details for

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