API Post role for kibana privileges - unexpected field [kibana]

I want to create a role to control user access kibana feature (ref: Kibana privileges | Kibana Guide [8.11] | Elastic)

My role in python code:

my_role = '{\
   "indices": [\
      "names": [ "p1" ],\
      "privileges": [ "all" ]\
  "kibana": [\
      "base": [],\
      "feature": {\
        "dashboard": ["all"]\
      "spaces": ["marketing"]\

req = requests.post('http://my_node:<port>/_security/role/my_role, data = my_role , headers = headers, auth=HTTPBasicAuth('...', '...'))
print (req.content) 

request contents output:

b'{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"parse_exception","reason":"failed to parse role [my_role]. unexpected field [kibana]"}],"type":"parse_exception","reason":"failed to parse role [my_role]. unexpected field [kibana]"},"status":400}'

how to fix it?

Hi @Tennis,

I got it to work with a few updates. I removed the 'applications' key as it gave me an error, I am not sure what that should correspond to in the API. Then the 'indices' key I moved under 'elasticsearch' key. I updated to use put instead of post, fixed the endpoint, sent the data as JSON, here is the full example below, hope that helps. Thanks.

my_role = {
"elasticsearch": {
"indices": [
"names": [ "p1" ],
"privileges": [ "all" ]
"kibana": [
"base": ,
"feature": {
"dashboard": ["all"]
"spaces": ["marketing"]
req = requests.put('https://my_node:port/api/security/role/my_role, data = json.dumps(my_role) , headers = headers, auth=HTTPBasicAuth('...', '...'))

Hi @LizaD

It seems that I request the wrong port with the wrong json contents originally.

for example:

my_role_es = '{\
   "indices": [\
      "names": [ "..." ],\
      "privileges": [ "all" ]\

my python code:
req = requests.post('http://node:9200/_security/role/my_role_es', data = my_role_es , headers = ..., auth=HTTPBasicAuth('...', '...'))

It worked fine and seems port on 9200 (elasticsearch) can recognize the field term: "applications", "indices", "cluster", but can't "elasticsearch", "kibana".

However, if I want to add field "elasticsearch", "kibana",
for example:

my_role_kibana = '{\
  "kibana": [\
      "base": [],\
      "feature": {\
        "dashboard": ["all"],\
        "discover": ["all"]\

My post code of python need to toward to 5601(kibana)
req = requests.post('http://node:5601/api/security/role/my_role_kibana', data = my_role_kibana , headers = ..., auth=HTTPBasicAuth('...', '...'))

It will work fine!

Yay @Tennis! Glad you got it to work :slight_smile:

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