APM Server URL - Page not found for Java Agent

I have configured the Elastic Agent with JAVA Agent. I have configured the below components

  1. ElasticSearch 6.4
  2. Kibana 6.4
  3. APM 6.4
  4. APM JAVA Agent - elastic-apm-agent-0.6.2

I start all the components in the same order. Also validate in Kibana APM which says Server and Agent configured successfully.

But when I try to see the APM Data it says - Looks like you don't have any services with APM installed. Let's add some!

Also when I try to browse elastic.apm.server_url=http://localhost:8200 it says 404 page not found.

Command to run java agent
java -javaagent:D:\Tools\ELK_6.4v\elastic-apm-agent-0.6.2.jar -Delastic.apm.service_name=jmeter -Delastic.apm.server_url=http://localhost:8200 -Delastic.apm.application_packages=org.example -jar D:\Tools\ELK_6.4v\SampleApplication\JAppsProject\JApps.jar

Please help to debug.

Sorry to hear about the troubles. Could you please check if the proposed solution from Kibana APM application doesn't show any data solves the issues?

Which frameworks are you using in your application? Please make sure you are using one of the supported technologies.

I have followed the link initially. In apm-server.yml the below indices are configured

** - index: "apm-%{[beat.version]}-sourcemap"**
** when.contains:**
** processor.event: "sourcemap"**

** - index: "apm-%{[beat.version]}-error-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"**
** when.contains:**
** processor.event: "error"**

** - index: "apm-%{[beat.version]}-transaction-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"**
** when.contains:**
** processor.event: "transaction"**

** - index: "apm-%{[beat.version]}-span-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"**
** when.contains:**
** processor.event: "span"**

** - index: "apm-%{[beat.version]}-metric-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"**
** when.contains:**
** processor.event: "metric"**

** - index: "apm-%{[beat.version]}-onboarding-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"**
** when.contains:**
** processor.event: "onboarding"**

Also I have added the below settings in kibana.yml

apm_oss.errorIndices: apm-*
apm_oss.spanIndices: apm-*
apm_oss.transactionIndices: apm-*
apm_oss.onboardingIndices: apm-*

This time I got a new message in Kibana

No services were found
Try another time range or reset the search filter.

Also as part of the apm server startup I am getting the below logs

2018-08-28T16:41:43.898+0530 INFO pipeline/module.go:98 Beat name: WKWIN2404784
2018-08-28T16:41:43.898+0530 INFO instance/beat.go:367 apm-server start running.
2018-08-28T16:41:43.898+0530 INFO [monitoring] log/log.go:114 Starting metrics logging every 30s
2018-08-28T16:41:43.898+0530 INFO [beater] beater/beater.go:172 self instrumentation is disabled
2018-08-28T16:41:43.903+0530 INFO [beater] beater/beater.go:113 host resolved from localhost:8200 to
2018-08-28T16:41:43.903+0530 INFO [handler] beater/handlers.go:161 Path /v1/rum/transactions added to request handler
2018-08-28T16:41:43.904+0530 INFO [handler] beater/handlers.go:161 Path /v1/errors added to request handler
2018-08-28T16:41:43.904+0530 INFO [handler] beater/handlers.go:161 Path /v1/metrics added to request handler
2018-08-28T16:41:43.904+0530 INFO [handler] beater/handlers.go:161 Path /v1/client-side/transactions added to request handler
2018-08-28T16:41:43.904+0530 INFO [handler] beater/handlers.go:161 Path /v1/client-side/errors added to request handler
2018-08-28T16:41:43.904+0530 INFO [handler] beater/handlers.go:161 Path /v1/rum/errors added to request handler
2018-08-28T16:41:43.904+0530 INFO [handler] beater/handlers.go:161 Path /v1/client-side/sourcemaps added to request handler
2018-08-28T16:41:43.904+0530 INFO [handler] beater/handlers.go:161 Path /v1/rum/sourcemaps added to request handler
2018-08-28T16:41:43.905+0530 INFO [handler] beater/handlers.go:161 Path /v1/transactions added to request handler
2018-08-28T16:41:43.905+0530 INFO [server] beater/server.go:69 Starting apm-server [59fbf0b6146ca5c50a94d1c435d0cf704e5b2a3f built 2018-08-17 22:12:40
2018-08-28T16:41:43.905+0530 INFO [server] beater/server.go:70 Listening on:
2018-08-28T16:41:43.905+0530 INFO [server] beater/server.go:75 RUM endpoints disabled
2018-08-28T16:41:43.905+0530 INFO [request] beater/handlers.go:282 handled request {"request_id": "d5f79e45-f50a-482c-943b-641bf7c693f2", "method": "GET",

2018-08-28T16:41:43.906+0530 INFO [http_client] beater/client.go:49 HTTP Server ready
2018-08-28T16:41:43.906+0530 INFO [onboarding] beater/onboarding.go:36 Publishing onboarding document
2018-08-28T16:41:44.916+0530 INFO elasticsearch/client.go:708 Connected to Elasticsearch version 6.4.0
2018-08-28T16:41:44.921+0530 INFO template/load.go:129 Template already exists and will not be overwritten.
2018-08-28T16:41:51.867+0530 INFO [request] beater/handlers.go:282 handled request {"request_id": "b874e41c-cd73-43e5-b3e4-4c2ac1911697", "method": "GET",
onse_code": 200}
2018-08-28T16:42:01.872+0530 INFO [request] beater/handlers.go:282 handled request {"request_id": "cc4f5174-7478-49b9-92e5-7efc48e2be49", "method": "GET",
onse_code": 200}
2018-08-28T16:42:11.874+0530 INFO [request] beater/handlers.go:282 handled request {"request_id": "d5a5c346-0758-48f2-b472-a5032f92d5c2", "method": "GET",
onse_code": 200}
2018-08-28T16:42:14.064+0530 INFO [monitoring] log/log.go:141 Non-zero metrics in the last 30s {"monitoring": {"metrics": {"apm-server":{"server":{"req
2018-08-28T16:42:21.880+0530 INFO [request] beater/handlers.go:282 handled request {"request_id": "49dadcf6-6869-4235-9e65-aa2d08ab5718", "method": "GET",
onse_code": 200}

Thanks. I was able to configure APM for Spring boot framework application.

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