Attach two pipeline to a single index in kibana 6.7.0

I have an issue that i have written two pipelines using devtools in v6.7.0, but do not know how to attach them with index, Can someone please assist on this?

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Hello, you need to provide more context.

What pipelines are you talking about? Ingest pipelines? And what you want to do with them?

PUT _ingest/pipeline/log-split-pipeline
  "description": "Split the log into two parts and extract JSON fields",
  "processors": [
      "grok": {
        "field": "log",
        "patterns": ["%{GREEDYDATA} %{WORD:log_type} %{GREEDYDATA:json}"]
      "script": {
        "source": """
          ctx.log_type = ctx.log_type.trim();
      "json": {
        "field": "json",
        "target_field": "parsed_log",
        "ignore_failure": true
      "remove": {
        "field": "json"
      "script": {
        "lang": "painless",
        "source": """
          if (ctx.parsed_log == null) {
            ctx.parsed_log = new HashMap();
            ctx.parsed_log.message = ctx.log;
      "remove": {
        "field": "log"
      "rename": {
        "field": "parsed_log",
        "target_field": "log"

The ingest pipeline above is used for parsing data of the field log

"log": "2023-06-14T11:27:53.113073096Z stdout F {\"severity\":\"info\",\"service\":\"cashin-adapter\",\"ip\":\"\",\"func\":\"*healthCheckController).HealthCheckHandler.func1\",\"timestamp\":\"2023-06-14T11:27:53.112958934Z\",\"message\":\"Running HealthCheckHandler\"}"

I wanted to split these all json fields inside one field "log" i.e., severity, service, ip, func, timestamp, message, but when I deployed this pipeline the result it parses data into two different fields

"log_type": "F",
"log": {
"severity": "info",
"func": "*healthCheckController).HealthCheckHandler.func1",
"service": "cashin-adapter",
"ip": "",
"message": "Running HealthCheckHandler",
"timestamp": "2023-06-14T11:27:53.112958934Z"

Now i have written another pipeline to make it more better to vizualize in discover tab

PUT _ingest/pipeline/log-split-pipeline-2
  "description": "Split the log field into separate fields",
  "processors": [
      "script": {
        "lang": "painless",
        "source": """
          if (ctx.log != null) {
            ctx.log_severity = ctx.log.severity;
            ctx.log_func = ctx.log.func;
            ctx.log_service = ctx.log.service;
            ctx.log_ip = ctx.log.ip;
            ctx.log_message = ctx.log.message;
            ctx.log_timestamp = ctx.log.timestamp;
          if (ctx.log_severity == null) {
          if (ctx.log_func == null) {
          if (ctx.log_service == null) {
          if (ctx.log_ip == null) {
          if (ctx.log_message == null) {
          if (ctx.log_timestamp == null) {

This is my complete case.

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