Authentication of [kibana] was terminated by realm [reserved]


I converted a elasticsearch (6.3) standalone to a new cluster, after that kibana user is not authenticated and none of the reserved users are getting authenticated. And also i am not able to change the previously set passwords for the users when it was standalone. Also, getting license information could not be obtained from elasticsearch for the cluster.

[elk-master-node] Authentication of [kibana] was terminated by realm [reserved] - failed to authenticate user [kibana]

{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2018-06-23T14:31:26Z","tags":["license","warning","xpack"],"pid":3392,"message":"License information from the X-Pack plugin could not be obtained from Elasticsearch for the [data] cluster. [security_exception] failed to authenticate user [kibana], with { header={ WWW-Authenticate="Basic realm=\"security\" charset=\"UTF-8\"" } } :: {"path":"/_xpack","statusCode":401,"response":"{\"error\":{\"root_cause\":[{\"type\":\"security_exception\",\"reason\":\"failed to authenticate user [kibana]\",\"header\":{\"WWW-Authenticate\":\"Basic realm=\\\"security\\\" charset=\\\"UTF-8\\\"\"}}],\"type\":\"security_exception\",\"reason\":\"failed to authenticate user [kibana]\",\"header\":{\"WWW-Authenticate\":\"Basic realm=\\\"security\\\" charset=\\\"UTF-8\\\"\"}},\"status\":401}","wwwAuthenticateDirective":"Basic realm=\"security\" charset=\"UTF-8\""}"}

You haven't given us much information to go on, but from the symptoms it looks like your conversion from "standalone" to "new cluster" lost the security data.

  • How did you perform that conversion?
  • What is in your elasticsearch logs?

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