AWS Version of Elasticsearch, issue with GeoIP with Lambda Function

Hi All,

I'm very new to Elasticsearch and I'm trying to get it to load some data from our AWS application load balancer with some geoip data. Well to be precise, I haven't even gotten to the Lambda converting the ip to coordinates part yet, because I having issues with mapping a coordinates field in Elasticsearch. I've created a mapping template that will treat a 'coordinates' filed as a geo_point type which it shows in Kibana, but I get an error that says that:

"error": {
        "type": "mapper_parsing_exception",
        "reason": "failed to parse",
        "caused_by": {
            "type": "parse_exception",
            "reason": "geo_point expected"

Here is my mapping:

"cwl-2017.06.13": {
"mappings": {
  "coordinates": {
    "properties": {
      "coordinates": {
        "type": "geo_point"
      "type": {
        "type": "text"

Here is an example of the data I'm sending to Elasticsearch (I've removed data for brevity and identifying):

 "index": {
    "_index": "cwl-2017.06.13",
    "_type": "application-load-balancer-logs-1",
    "_id": "3339237098236054586560913755308454237516464130"

 "received_bytes": 152,
 "target_group_arn": "arn:aws:...5f1e",
 "request": "GET HTTP/1.1",
 "trace_id": "Root=1-593ffcc5-568e2ac6d7e052",
 "@id": "333923709862434308454237516464130",
 "@timestamp": "2017-06-13T14:55:01.862Z",
 "@log_group": "application-load-balancer-logs-1",
 "@log_stream": "application-load-balancer-stream",
 "coordinates": [

I have tried that hardcoding that coordinates part a million different ways and have been banging my head on my desk trying to get this going, please any help you can provide I would greatly appreciate...


I seemed to have figured this out with the help of the blog post here:

I changed my template to this:

 "template" : "cwl*",
"mappings" : {
  "application-load-balancer-logs-1" : {
     "properties": {

Hopefully this helps someone else! may also be useful.

This is good, thank you!!

As a final point to this; anyone using AWS Elasticsearch who are interested in using the tile map functionality please note:

Using Elasticsearch with Kibana from AWS violates a term of service in regards to using the maps; so when you try it map will be blank and in the console the tiles images are pointed to Even though you can change the map service provider in the options in Kibana, as of now it will still show as and will result in blank map tiles

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