Backup and restore

Hi ,

I need to make a backup of elasticsearch data, due to maintenance, and restore it afterwards,

My question is:
Does elasticsearch save the configurations of each indices, I'm talking about the number of shards, the analyzers created . If not, Is there a way of saving this or can it be specified when restoring data? When I make a backup I run this on kibana dev tools:

PUT /_snapshot/<referentiel_name>/<snapshot_name>
  "indices": "<indices_name>",
  "ignore_unavailable": true,
  "include_global_state": false

And when I go to restore the data, I do this:

POST /_snapshot/<referentiel_name>/<snapshot_name>/_restore
  "indices": "<indices_name>",
  "ignore_unavailable": true,
  "include_global_state": true



I haven't tested this myself but, I believe the snapshot API backs up all the index settings, mappings and aliases. Since analyzers are a part of the _settings they should be backed up as well.

If you have a specific cluster level setting tho, that should be included with the "include_global_state" on the creation time of the snapshot.


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