Broadsoft Kibana Project

Hello, I am trying to use the Broadsoft Kibana Project to know the platform statistics, i have problems with the messagearchive, so after make a change to the, i need to change the

system( "curl -sS -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @messagearchive.json -XPUT $hostname:9200/_template/messagearchive_record?pretty" );


system( "curl -sS -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @messagearchive_template.json -XPUT $hostname:9200/_template/messagearchive_record?pretty" );

So i am not sure if this is correct.

Ao after that i run with a cron process the, but after that and when i try to looking for statistics for message i dont find any data.

So anyone have found this problems and how do you fix this?


Hi Jesús, it looks like Broadsoft is a third-party offering. Have you tried asking your question in one of their forums?


Thank you for your aswer let me ask them directly.


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