Can I get refund by a mistake in the Elastic Cloud Platform?

Hey everyone,

I'm looking for some help with a billing issue on Elastic Cloud. I received an email notification that my credit card was charged $407.23, but I didn't mean to incur any costs. I was just exploring the platform to test a RAG system for my company, and thought the project was serverless. I haven't used any services since creating the account.

When I tried to open a case for a refund, I got an email saying:

"The Elastic Cloud - subscription expired on 7/19/2024 and therefore your case has been Suspended. No work will be performed until the subscription is renewed. Please contact your Elastic sales rep EBS Integration ("

Has anyone else experienced this, or does anyone know how I can resolve it? I'd appreciate any advice on how to get my case reopened or how to contact Elastic for a refund.

Thanks in advance!

How did you open the support case?

If you go to you can open a billing case, which I think will work even if your subscription has ended (but I may be mistaken - it's not an area I work on).

Tried again @TimV but it goes to suspended status the same way.

Hi @Luis_Felipe_Antunes - Our Customer Service Representative Team is now taking care of your case. Please follow-up with Kate if there are any concerns. Thank you :pray:

Hi @ropc,

Yes, I believe everything will be resolved soon. Thank you! :pray: