Can indices.cache.filter.size be set dynamiclly?

I'd like modified the default 10% to 20%. So I'd like to ask so.

Hi makeyang,

the setting indices.cache.filter.size is deprecated and you should use indices.queries.cache.size with 2.0 and above instead. As you can see in the docs indices.queries.cache.size is static.


what is the status for 1.7?

Hi makeyang,

indices.cache.filter.size is a node-level setting in 1.7 and only statically configurable.


don't get why make it statically. it's hard to evaluate its usage and online modification is really a useful feature.


this is a setting that you shouldn't have to modify really often. Moreover, if we make this a dynamic setting, we'd introduce additional complexity (and the likelihood of bugs increases). This and the fact that this setting is only seldom changed was probably the reason for making this a static setting in the first place.

But you're free to create a Github issue though. :slight_smile:


Hi, what about es1.2.1? Is the indices.cache.filter.size also a static setting? But i have set it by cluster setting, it made sense. Am i doing something wrong?


I am not aware that this has ever been a dynamic setting. Can you paste the specific CURL command you've used to change this setting and the response you've got?


Hi, i have got the dynamic setting in here:

and i do like this, then the setting works.

curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_cluster/settings' -d '{
"transient" : {
"indices.cache.filter.size" : "30%"

it works. thanks wang_zhong


ah, you're right. I was mistaken regarding 1.7. This works in 1.7.3.

But just as a heads-up, if you try to update the corresponding setting indices.queries.cache.size with the cluster settings API in Elasticsearch 2.1.1, you'll get an acknowledge back but in the logs you'll find:

[WARN ][action.admin.cluster.settings] [Boomer] ignoring transient setting [indices.queries.cache.size], not dynamically updateable
