Can´t install Shield

hi, i had installed "shield" but failed. uninstall it to install it again, but I can not, it displays the following error: "failed to download out of all possible locations" .

How I can reinstall it?

Hi Oscar,

Can you please provide more information such as your elasticsearch version and the command you are running to install Shield?

i have install elasticsearch 2.1 and run for install shield:
bin/plugin install license
bin/plugin install shield

Is there any other output from the command? If there is, it will be helpful.

Also are you behind a firewall or proxy?

i behind a firewall, also download the zip for offline installation but not installed. I use bin / plugin --install file: ///path/to/ and displays the same error

this is the error:

Installing license...
Failed: IOException[Can't get to /usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/]; nested: FileNotFoundException[]; nested: FileNotFoundException[];
Failed to install license, reason: failed to download out of all possible locations..., use --verbose to get detailed information

I am also getting this with the 2.2.0 install.

The github username seems to be missing (coming as "null").
Who's account are the plugins in?

Can you share what version of ES you are using, the exact command you are running, and the full output?

Version: 1.7.5, Build: 00f95f4/2016-02-02T09:55:30Z, JVM: 1.7.0_80
sudo bin/plugin install license -v -> Installing license... Trying Failed: IOException[Can't get to /usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/]; nested: FileNotFoundException[]; nested: FileNotFoundException[]; Failed to install license, reason: failed to download out of all possible locations..., use --verbose to get detailed information

@rdign you need to use a different command for installing shield and license on version 1.x of elasticsearch. The latest version of Shield that is compatible with Elasticsearch 1.7 is Shield 1.3.3. The installation instructions for this version of shield can be found at

Note: if you are using a RPM/DEB installation of elasticsearch use the following instructions

Aah I see, ok, I think I will simply consider moving up the version :slightly_smiling:
Thank you for the quick response