Installing shield issies

hello all

i am trying to install Shield for elastic search

when installing the license in the root@ubuntu:/usr/share/elasticsearch folder

i keep getting this error

sudo bin/plugin install license

-> Installing license...
Trying ...
Downloading .......DONE
Verifying checksums if available ...
Downloading .DONE
ERROR: Could not load plugin descriptor for existing plugin [shield-2.3.0.jar]. Was the plugin built before 2.0?

when installing shield i get this error

sudo bin/plugin install shield-2.3.0.jar

-> Installing shield-2.3.0.jar...
Trying ...
ERROR: failed to download out of all possible locations..., use --verbose to get detailed information

please help

You should not be installing the shield-2.3.0.jar directly. Please remove all shield and license directories from your plugins directory. Then:

sudo bin/plugin install license
sudo bin/plugin install shield