Can we use basic Elasticsearch for commercial use

Can we use basic Elasticsearch8.5 for commercial use

Yes unless you are directly exposing to your users Elasticsearch or Kibana, in which case you should contact Elastic.

More details at: FAQ on Elastic License 2.0 (ELv2) | Elastic

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thanks, We just used it for data storage

@dadoonet ELv2 FAQs have an excellent explanation :+1:

Am I understood correctly?
The company A is hosting an ecommerce solution to other companies C, D, …
The company B is a system integration which helps to implement ELK

  • It's permitted to the company B to implement ELK on the company A servers
  • The company B may use ELK for the internal infrastructure as the basic license
  • If they start to provide analytics to C, D, companies... it's then commercial version - not the basic license any more, no matter if you charge companies C,D... or not.

@Rios IANAL but for the last point:

  • If they start to provide analytics to C, D, companies... it's then commercial version - not the basic license any more, no matter if you charge companies C,D... or not.

I'd say that your understanding is correct. But I'd double-check this by reaching out the right people. :wink:

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Good, thx for info.

The last point could be under a discussion only if the company "A" provide analytic services free of charge, but they have to prove. For instance, since next month the same ecommerce hosting is XXX$, plus included log analytics by Elasic, but free of charge.

As you said, contact the right people by email, lawyers will said the last word, before a judge :slight_smile:

I have another question, When our product uses some functions of elasticsearch, can we still apply for a patent for this product?

I have no idea on this. Better to ask the team.


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