Cannot uninstall X-pack


I have installed X-Pack in a curiosity to know how it works. Now I want to uninstall it. But I cannot uninstall. When I try uninstalling with these commands:

bin/elasticsearch-plugin remove x-pack

I am getting a number of Access denied exceptions. Below are the first few :

/home/suryakumar/elasticsearch/plugins/x-pack/commons-codec-1.10.jar: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /home/suryakumar/elasticsearch/plugins/x-pack/commons-codec-1.10.jar
/home/suryakumar/elasticsearch/plugins/x-pack/javax.mail-1.5.6.jar: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /home/suryakumar/elasticsearch/plugins/x-pack/javax.mail-1.5.6.jar
/home/suryakumar/elasticsearch/plugins/x-pack/netty-common-4.1.13.Final.jar: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /home/suryakumar/elasticsearch/plugins/x-pack/netty-common-4.1.13.Final.jar
/home/suryakumar/elasticsearch/plugins/x-pack/resources/date_time_zonespec.csv: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /home/suryakumar/elasticsearch/plugins/x-pack/resources/date_time_zonespec.csv
/home/suryakumar/elasticsearch/plugins/x-pack/resources/ml-en.dict: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /home/suryakumar/elasticsearch/plugins/x-pack/resources/ml-en.dict

Note : I am using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Please help me out. I haven't installed it on kibana. But I cannot access kibana as it is asking Username and Password. elastic and changeme didnt worked out.


May be you installed it with sudo?

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what does

ls -l /home/suryakumar/elasticsearch/plugins/x-pack/netty-common-4.1.13.Final.jar

return? Can the user you are starting elasticsearch with read the file, are the permissions correct? Who is the user you are starting Elasticsearch with?

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Yes you're right I installed it with sudo permission. I tried uninstalling with sudo command and it got uninstalled. Thank you so much!

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin remove x-pack

Thank you so much for you reply. I installed it with sudo command. So while I tried with unistalling by

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin remove x-pack

. It got uninstalled. Thank you.

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