Can't able to access kibana dashboard

I am able to connect elasticsearch. However, I am unable to access kibana on 5601. Can anyone please help out this to work? Thanks in advance.

In the kibana.yml file, I have modified the parameter to point to my domain.

Elasticsearch Version: 7.7.0
Kibana Version: kibana-7.7.0-1.x86_64
OS: Centos 7
JAVA Version: 11


server.port: 5601 "my_domain"
elasticsearch.hosts: ["http://my_domain:9200"]

Kibana Logs

{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2020-06-02T14:08:03Z","tags":["warning","plugins-discovery"],"pid":2844,"message":"Expect plugin \"id\" in camelCase, but found: apm_oss"}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2020-06-02T14:08:03Z","tags":["warning","plugins-discovery"],"pid":2844,"message":"Expect plugin \"id\" in camelCase, but found: file_upload"}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2020-06-02T14:08:03Z","tags":["warning","plugins-discovery"],"pid":2844,"message":"Expect plugin \"id\" in camelCase, but found: triggers_actions_ui"}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2020-06-02T14:08:09Z","tags":["info","plugins-service"],"pid":2844,"message":"Plugin \"infra\" has been disabled since some of its direct or transitive dependencies are missing or disabled."}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2020-06-02T14:08:27Z","tags":["warning","plugins-discovery"],"pid":2941,"message":"Expect plugin \"id\" in camelCase, but found: apm_oss"}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2020-06-02T14:08:27Z","tags":["warning","plugins-discovery"],"pid":2941,"message":"Expect plugin \"id\" in camelCase, but found: file_upload"}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2020-06-02T14:08:27Z","tags":["warning","plugins-discovery"],"pid":2941,"message":"Expect plugin \"id\" in camelCase, but found: triggers_actions_ui"}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2020-06-02T14:08:32Z","tags":["info","plugins-service"],"pid":2941,"message":"Plugin \"infra\" has been disabled since some of its direct or transitive dependencies are missing or disabled."}

maybe check the kibana logs on the server, cause those logs don't show much IMO.
Es the port listening?

i have similiar problem could you help me? Kibana server is not ready yet suddenly
i have point the kibana.yml to master elasticsearch.

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