Can't Access a Watcher Payload Object in Action Condition

I'm attempting to set up a condition for an action using an attribute of the current watch payload. The watch payload is defined as the following in a script transform:

return [
              'table': -> {return [
                'table_name': x[0],
                'schema_name': x[1],
                'db_name': x[2],
                'cluster_name': x[3],
                'new_row_count': x[4],
                'old_row_count': x[5],
                'diff': x[6],
                'percent_change': x[7],
                'size': tableSize]}).collect(Collectors.toList())

where lessRows is a list object containing output information.

I'm trying to write a condition for an action to check if tableSize > 0. I've tried the following:

"condition": {
        "compare": {
          "ctx.payload.table.size": {
            "gt": 0
"condition": {
        "script": {
          "source": "return ctx.payload.table.size > 0"
"condition": {
        "script": {
          "source": "return -> x.size > 0)"

None have worked and I'm really not sure why. tableSize is declared as an int in the script transform so type shouldn't be an issue. And I am sure that tableSize is incremented accurately because when I output the ctx.payload.table object I get something like:

{0={cluster_name= anly_prod, new_row_count=18209133, db_name= anly_prod_db , size=1, diff=220972, schema_name= anly_prod , table_name=rtap_agg_pacing_health , percent_change=1.19, old_row_count=18430105}}

depending on what my input is.

So, any ideas as to why I can't compare the ctx.payload.table.size attribute would be very helpful. Thanks.

EDIT: Also tried:

"condition": {
    "script": {
      "source": "return -> x.cluster_name.equals('anly_prod'))"

which did not work either, so I'm guessing it doesn't have to do with the tableSize variable.

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