Cant run elasticsearch on mastodon

hi im having trouble connecting elasticsearch to mastodon

i can connect with curl without problem

when i run RAILS_ENV=production bin/tootctl search deploy i get this error

INFO -- : [dotenv] Loaded .env.production
There was an issue connecting to the search server. Make sure the--=---=---=---=---=---=---=-| ETA: ??:??:?? (0 docs/s)
server is configured and running correctly, and that the environment
variable settings match what the server is expecting.

[500] {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"class_cast_exception","reason":"class java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to class j
ava.util.Map (java.lang.Boolean and java.util.Map are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')"}],"type":"class_cast_e
xception","reason":"class java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to class java.util.Map (java.lang.Boolean and java.util.Map a
re in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')"},"status":500}

howto resolve this

Hi @rasitha,

Welcome! Can you confirm which version of Elasticsearch you are connecting to, and which repo/ project you are trying to run?