Canvas line with multiple items on Y axes


I would like to create a chart that would look like this: However I did not find a way to add multiple elements to the Y axes. Is there a possiblity?


Hi @zozo6015, it would be helpful to see your expression but this is definitely possible.

Here's an example using timelion, you'll see that I have multiple queries, each representing a different time series. In the UI you can tweak the look of each series by adding a new "Series style" under Chart style.

| timelion 
  query=".es(q='is_pullrequest:false AND labels:\"Team:Canvas\" AND labels:\"impact:critical\"',  timefield=created_at.time).cusum().subtract(.es(q='is_pullrequest:false AND labels:\"Team:Canvas\" AND labels:\"impact:critical\"', timefield=closed_at.time).cusum()).label('Critical'),

.es(q='is_pullrequest:false AND labels:\"Team:Canvas\" AND labels:\"impact:high\"',  timefield=created_at.time).cusum().subtract(.es(q='is_pullrequest:false AND labels:\"Team:Canvas\" AND labels:\"impact:high\"', timefield=closed_at.time).cusum()).label('High'),

.es(q='is_pullrequest:false AND labels:\"Team:Canvas\" AND labels:\"impact:medium\"',  timefield=created_at.time).cusum().subtract(.es(q='is_pullrequest:false AND labels:\"Team:Canvas\" AND labels:\"impact:medium\"', timefield=closed_at.time).cusum()).label('Medium'),

.es(q='is_pullrequest:false AND labels:\"Team:Canvas\" AND labels:\"impact:low\"',  timefield=created_at.time).cusum().subtract(.es(q='is_pullrequest:false AND labels:\"Team:Canvas\" AND labels:\"impact:low\"', timefield=closed_at.time).cusum()).label('Low')
| pointseries x="@timestamp" y="value"
| plot defaultStyle={seriesStyle lines=1 fill=1} yaxis=true seriesStyle={seriesStyle}
| render

Perfect, I'll give it a try. Will come back with the results or different questions.

I have tried to modify the expression like this:

| essql 
  query="select round(system.cpu.system.pct*100, 2) as system, \"@timestamp\" from \"metricbeat-*\" where system.cpu.user.pct is NOT null order by \"@timestamp\"",
  query="select round(system.cpu.user.pct*100, 2) as user, \"@timestamp\" from \"metricbeat-*\" where system.cpu.user.pct is NOT null order by \"@timestamp\"",
  query="select round(system.cpu.nice.pct*100, 2) as nice, \"@timestamp\" from \"metricbeat-*\" where system.cpu.user.pct is NOT null order by \"@timestamp\"",
  query="select round(system.cpu.iowait.pct*100, 2) as iowait, \"@timestamp\" from \"metricbeat-*\" where system.cpu.user.pct is NOT null  order by \"@timestamp\""
| pointseries x="@timestamp" y="user"
| plot defaultStyle={seriesStyle lines="2" points="2" color="#b83c6f" stack=1}
| render

but it does not seam to work, what am I doing wrong?

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