Canvas - @timestamp

I have set my Index pattern - @timestamp to MM/DD/YYYY, HH:mm:ss a , which otherwise works throughout Kibana but in Canvas the @timestamp defaults to YYYY MM dd, HH:mm:ss.SSS I'm assuming..
Resulting in the following @timestamp ==> 2018-12-02T00:41:04-06:00 in Canvas. This issue here is the tailing -06:00 for the timezone which places all of my data at 06:00 in my coordinate plot. I have even gone as far as setting my Date format in Kibana Advanced settings with no luck. Any help is appreciated
Thank you

Hello Cody,

This can be adjusted using the formatDate function which uses the moment lib. Canvas is a bit of a conceptual shift from the rest of Kibana, it focuses on types of data and doesn't leverage Kibana's field formatters.


@Aaron_Caldwell would you happen to know if logstash mutate can handle the format change. At the moment I'm using the default Filebeat index output which writes a new index daily, or maybe i'm just missing the automated way to change the date format.

I have run into the same issue, Do you have an example of how to use formatDate?

I tried the following with no luck

timefilterControl compact=true column=AppointmentDate
| formatdate "DD-MM-YYYY"| render

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