Change data field to date type

Hello everyone,

I am trying to load a data into kibana with logstash but still receiving the following error :

Here is my config : ( "Date et heure" in my csv is like "24/06/2019 21:56")


	convert => { 
		"Date et heure" => "string"
		"Utilisateur" => "string" 
		"Code" => "integer" 
		"Libellé évènement" => "string" 
		"Code retour" => "integer" 
		"Application" => "string" 
		"Code site" => "integer" 
		"Objet Start" => "string" 
		"Usage cache" => "string" 						
		"Valeur avant modif" => "string" 
		"Valeur après modif" => "string"	
	date {	
		match => [ "Date et heure", "dd/MM/YY HH:mm" ] 


Can anyone help ?

You cannot load data to Kibana.
Kibana is the frontend software that reads data from ElasticSearch and puts a graphic on top of you data.

You have a typo in your config in the line 42. Did you close the mutate filter? Because I see that you go directly to date and hence the error.


	convert => { 
		"Date et heure" => "string"
		"Utilisateur" => "string" 
		"Code" => "integer" 
		"Libellé évènement" => "string" 
		"Code retour" => "integer" 
		"Application" => "string" 
		"Code site" => "integer" 
		"Objet Start" => "string" 
		"Usage cache" => "string" 						
		"Valeur avant modif" => "string" 
		"Valeur après modif" => "string"	

	date {	
		match => [ "Date et heure", "dd/MM/YY HH:mm" ] 

thank you for your response,

the error was because I didn't closed the mutate, but it looks like the date{} don't work, I don't see any change,
For example if a date is "04/06/2019 03:40", it loads only"4"

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