Change log level of add_cloud_metadata processor

Elastic Agent version: 8.11.3

The add_cloud_metadata processor is used in filebeat/metricbeat by default. When deploying non-cloud Elastic Agent on own premises, the processor tries to add the metadata and fails with error. The log level of this failure should be reduced to info or if it is necessary warning, because it does not represent a serious failure:


you can remove or comment out the add_cloud_metadata processor in your Filebeat and Metricbeat configurations


Thank you for the reply. I am using Fleet managed Elastic Agent with integration as my configuration. Therefore I cannot disable the add_cloud_metadata processor in default, because the integrations enable it by default and there is (as far as I know) no definition, where I could comment it out.

If you have any precise advice, how to disable the processor on Fleet managed Elastic Agent, I would really appreciate it.


probably you might consider using standalone Elastic Agents (not managed by Fleet) if you need more granular control over the configuration, including the ability to disable specific processors.



It doesn't bother me that much, but as I mentioned above, I think it should be implemented, that the log level is changed or the message suppressed when deploying in a self managed (non-cloud) environment.

Regards :slight_smile:

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still relevant

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