Change MAP regions according to search criteria

Is there a way i can see the change the world map zoom/move to the specific city/country/town, according to the search query provided

ex: A basic earthquake data map: Default shows the whole World

  1. I wish to see the values only pertaining to JAPAN OR
  2. when i filter to see data only for a one type of earthquakes (which only happens in US) - The map should automatically move only to USA or zoom over USA instead showing the whole world which has no data.

Is this possible currently in Kibana?

not with one click, but its possible with two clicks:

  • apply the filter
  • click the "fit to databounds" icon on map, which will zoom in to the area where your data points are
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Hello ppisljar!

I was looking for data-bounding automatically : found the query parameter to dashboard URL solution.

ALSO, as a continuation to this question:

Are there any other tile maps that we can use instead of the default elastic maps (open street)
please suggest. I have looked all around and found none. paid wms service is also fine provided Kibana supports it. (Ariel view maps)


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