Change the backgroundcolor of the chart

I am using the Kibana 4.5. In visualisation tab, I have created my chart and using it as an iframe. I want to change the background color of the chart as per my page(not Kibana) where this iframe fits. Any suggestions.

There is no way to do this cleanly in Kibana today, via a proper interface. However, you could achieve this by taking the following steps on the server running Kibana:

  1. Stop Kibana.

  2. Change to the directory where you have installed Kibana.

  3. Under that directory, edit this file: src/plugins/kibana/public/visualize/editor/styles/_editor.less

  4. Find the &.embedded declaration block. Add your desired background-color declaration to this block.

  5. Back on the command line, run rm -rf optimize/bundles/. This will cause Kibana to regenerate the compiled CSS (and other) bundles upon restart.

  6. Restart Kibana.

Of course, note that in a future version of Kibana the _editor.less file you edited will not contain your modification and the structure might change too. So you'll need to re-implement your modification.

Thanks @shaunak, But I couldnot find any difference.